Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hooray for Trebuchet! See what I did there? I made a rhyme.

So... Not much happened. I came up with a new blanket/padding setup for the back of the Jeep that's made it a lot comfier to sleep in. It's not as cold, anyways.

Cripes... I don't really have much to say. YouTube invited me to be a partner, that's pretty cool. I get paid some small amount of money for video views now, assuming the people click the links/etc.

I hijacked my mom's laptop to do some paperwork and get some links for her- I had them stored on Facebook. She was logged in on her account and lo and behold! My ex was signed in. She's blocked my personal account but for some reason I can't begin to fathom added my mom. Maybe she's hoping for a sideways view into my life? Who knows. Who really cares? All I know is that seeing her name for that brief instant - forcing myself to log out of that account before I succumbed to the temptation to say hi - has really messed me up. I suddenly felt broken again- a feeling I haven't felt for a very, very long time. It's not pleasant. I had to go turn my time sheet in to my sister, who is the secretary for the sanitation district. I remember driving there, but don't remember driving back. I vaguely recall breaking down and crying in the car for a while, I don't know how long. I stumbled over to the old Land Whale, that poor old RV. I just sorta stood there for a while... My eyes turn off. Is that normal? If I don't move my eyes for a while, they just sorta black out. I don't close them, really.

Anyways. It's weird, I'm using this as a sort of diary or journal or whatever you want to call it, even though it's accessible by the public.

Hah, right. Like anyone's going to read this.

Peace, folks. I think I'm gonna go be sick.

Except I can't, because I need to be viable tomorrow as I promised someone I'd come in. Ugh.


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