Tuesday, February 12, 2013

It's been a while since I've made any sort of post. I doubt anyone actually reads these, so I don't really mind. I need to start copying these into emails to send to my professor- that's the reason I'm even writing these things. Today's entry is going to be short- I've been sick for a few days and it's making it really hard to focus on the screen for any length of time. I think helping my brother with district work yesterday made it worse.

I've been falling behind on my homework. Work has gotten to be really hectic lately- there is usually a big crunch as we start coming out of winter and, oddly enough, the temperature drops a bit. As spring starts to roll around the clouds clear out, making the temperature fall to extremes at night... Which our very badly underbuilt infrastructure can't handle all that well. Add to that the fact that most of the people around here don't know what's safe to flush and what isn't and, well, you start to see where the problems come from... It's a mess. Nobody gets nearly enough sleep to stay healthy- hence the reason I'm sick.

I feel bad about missing class. I mean, it costs a small fortune to attend class (I could buy a used car for what I pay for tuition- we make enough money that I don't qualify for the FAFSA and there just aren't any scholarships out there that I meet the requirements of) but I also feel like I'm letting the professors down. You essentially sign a contract at the beginning of the semester that states you will attend class, so it's sort of like violating your contract to not be there.

I'm signing off. The cat is bugging me and I'm not feeling so hot.

Later, peeps.